Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm finally posting my update on time this week. This week I'm using the beautiful blocks my hubby got me for Christmas along with as good of a picture as it is going to get. I need to remember to have David snap a photo when he is around. Hope you all are having a wonderful week!
blocks: GRACE & SALT
shirt: old, Target; similar
cardigan: old, Target: similar
jeans: Old Navy
How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: Not sure yet. We went through a bunch of old wives tales to see if that gave us anything. It was a pretty even split with 13 for a boy and 15 for a girl. We find out in just two weeks!
Maternity clothes: Yes! I have been slowly adding a few more shirts into my wardrobe. I finally have just a tiny little bump. There is a small layer of extra stuffing, but most of it is baby bump! Eek! So exciting.
Stretch marks: Yes.
Belly button in or out: Very in. I have quite a deep belly button so it will be interesting to see if/when it pops.
Sleep: Not too terrible. I did have one night of terrible sciatic nerve pain that kept me up and only granted me about 3 hours of sleep. I guess the baby is already getting me ready for sleep deprivation.
Best moment this week: Getting my hair cut! It is finally back to being much more healthy. I put it off for way too long.
Worst moment this week: Stubbing my toe/foot big time getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.
Miss anything: Not particularly this week. I'm sure there is something and I just can't think of it right now.
Movement: Not yet. I'm pretty excited to start feeling this little nugget though.
Cravings: Still craving the sour stuff and potatoes in any form. Also Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos from Taco Bell.
Queasy or sick: Not really. I have been getting pretty stuffed up almost everyday, but it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Looking forward to: This baby bump continuing to grow and hopefully "pop" soon.
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